I started war-gaming as many of my generation did, via the books of Wise, Featherstone and Grant the Elder, courtesy of the Khandallah public library. In 1975/6 while in the UK, Military Modelling published a directory of war-gaming clubs which I used to join the Wellington Warlords upon my return to New Zealand.
In terms of "formal" structured war-gaming, I pretty much started with Bruce Quarrie's Airfix Guide to World War two rules, then moved on to 1/300th Moderns using Heroics & Ros models and the very new 1950-1985 modern rules from WRG. The mid-late eighties were primarily spent playing TTG's Challenger and Firefly sets (again in 1/300th) along with a significant diversion into 15mm and 25mm renaissance gaming using the Gush rules.
I returned to World War Two in 1995, this time in 15mm, with Barrie Lovell's Overlord: Normandy 1944 and Grey Storm, Red Steel rules. I then got involved in the pre-publication play-testing of what became Flames of War and was pretty much heavily involved until mid way through the life of the second edition. I continued collecting WW2 armies in 15mm but my enthusiasm for actual gaming was on the wane - although I didn't realise how disillusioned I was with the hobby until much later.
In the last 12 months, a significant change in personal circumstances meant that I no longer have any of the 15mm armies I collected over the years and effectively I'm starting from scratch. This has allowed me to refocus my interest on some periods and a scale of gaming that I find has provided me with some well-needed motivation to get out of bed and function again.
This blog will document a hopefully long and fulfilling journey back into a hobby that I still love but that desperately needed a reboot for me.
Now on to the French and Indian War in 28mm...
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